Annual herb but probably sometimes a short-lived perennial, stems c. 65-280 mm tall, solitary to many from the crown, simple except sometimes below the inflorescence, glandular-puberulous at the base becoming glabrous upwards, sessile glistening glands on inflorescence axis, nude. Leaves all radical, opposite, bases connate, 15-60 x 3-15 mm, oblanceolate to broadly elliptic, apex obtuse to rounded, base gradually or abruptly narrowed to a petiolar part up to roughly half the length of the blade, margins entire to serrulate, both surfaces minutely glandular-puberulous. Flowers usually crowded in small terminal capitate racemes, oblong and up to c. 20 mm long in fruit, remaining crowded but a few flowers sometimes straggling back down the stem, or rarely inflorescence elongated to c. 90 mm, subsidiary inflorescences on short peduncles often developing below the main inflorescence giving old fruiting plants an odd spiky look. Bracts (lowermost) c. 2.5-6 x 0.5-1 mm, subsidiary inflorescences sometimes subtended by a greatly reduced leaf. Pedicels (lowermost) c. 0.5-2 mm, otherwise very short or flowers sessile. Calyx very obscurely bilabiate, tube 0.2-0.5 mm long, lobes 2.1-3.75 x 0.5-0.8 mm, subspathulate, glandular-puberulous all over. Corolla tube 6.75-7 x 1-1.3 mm in throat, cylindric, abruptly expanded in upper half, limb almost regular, 6.5-8 mm across lateral lobes, posticous lobes 2.25-3.5 x 1.5-2.5 mm, anticous lobe 2.25-3 x 1.5-2.4 mm, all elliptic-oblong, very obtuse, white, yellow to orange around mouth and inside upper half of tube, outside of tube glandular-puberulous, hairs sometimes sparse, sessile glistening glands on backs of lobes, inside with 3 small longitudinal posticous bands of clavate hairs in throat. Stamens 4, anticous anthers 0.3-0.5 mm long, just included, posticous anthers 0.75-1 mm long, deeply included, posticous filaments bearded with clavate hairs. Stigma 0.5-lmm long, shorter than or about equalling style, deeply included. Style 0.75-1.3 mm long. Ovary c. 1-1.2 x 0.8 mm. Capsules 3-4.5 x 2-3 mm. Seeds c. 0.5-0.8 x 0.4 mm, pallid.
Annual or ?short-lived perennial, ± 65-280 mm tall. Leaves basal, oblanceolate to broadly elliptic, tapering below, entire or serrulate, glandular-puberulous. Flowers in capitate racemes, almost regular, corolla tube 6.8-7 mm long, lobes oblong-elliptic, blunt at apex, entire, white with yellow to orange around mouth and inside upper half of tube.