Trees and shrubs. Leaves alternate, petiolate, entire with slightly revolute margins, commonly with domatia in the axils of veins on the abaxial surface. In-florescences axillary, cymose or corymbose. Flowers perfect, 5-parted; calyx patel-liform, minutely toothed; petals valvate, strigose or glabrate outside, villose inside, the apex inflexed, short, glabrous; stamens free, the filaments filiform, flat-tened, glabrous; basal disc fleshy, hirsute to glabrous on the margin and inside, glabrous outside; pistil symmetrical, the ovary hirsute to glabrous, 1-celled, the ovules 2, pendant from the apex of the locule. Fruits drupaceous, the putamen thin, smooth; seed 1, the embryo large, the endosperm abundant.