Epiphytic climbing shrub, the flowering branchlets quadrangular, with rows of lenticels. Leaves large, the petioles 5-10 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, canalicu-late above; blade elliptic-oblong, 12-18 cm long and 6-9.5 cm wide, acu-minate apically, the acumen 0.5-1 cm long, obtuse or rounded basally, rigidly coriaceous, the midrib stout, as the lateral veins prominent on both sides of the blade; hypophyllous glands minute, dark, punctiform, numerous, regularly scat-tered. Inflorescences umbelliform, few-flowered; nectaries unknown. Flowers erect on the pedicels, the pedicels ca. 1.5 cm long, lenticellate; bracteoles ca. 3 mm wide; sepals suborbicular or broadly suborbicular, ca. 5 mm wide; corolla and stamens unknown; ovary ca. 7-loculed. Fruit unknown.