Habit: slender, silky hairy twiner. Leaves: seedling stages trilobed, each division further lobed and toothed, rapidly becoming entire; adult leaves alternate, ovate, 2–28 mm long, 8–12 mm wide; base truncate-cordate; margins crenulate, undulate. Inflorescences mainly solitary, tubular flowers, nodding on slender 3–7 mm pedicels; vestigial involucre of bracts present. Sepals 2–6 mm long, acuminate, softly hairy; petals 18–23 mm long, connivent in throat; apices rounded, not overly recurving; bicoloured: green grading to orange at the apices, apices only slightly recurving; overt protandrous colour changes not seen; outer surface sparsely hairy. Stamens clustering by height opposite petal break and then curling out of the way of the developing stigma; filaments thin ribbony, not tapering; anthers tiny ovoid. Pistil with very small basal nectary; ovary stipitate, silky hairy, much shorter than slender style; stigma minutely capitate. Fruit are loculicidally dehiscent capsules, 10–12 mm long, thin, fusiform; seeds few per loculus, globular, muricate. Flowering mostly in spring, but produces occasional flowers all year