Trees 5-15 m tall; stems subterete, occasionally sulcate, puberulent when young, the epidermis grayish, thin, shiny. Leaves pinnate, 10-30 cm long; leaflets obovate-oblong to obovate, retuse, truncate or rounded at the apex, attenuate to acute at the base, 3-8 cm long, 1.5-5.5 cm wide, membranous, glabrous on both sides, scrobiculate-foveolate in the vein axils beneath, the margins serrate-dentate to obtusely serrate. Panicles axillary near the apex of the stem, subequal to the leaves, to 25 cm long, pedicels mostly less than 1 mm long, to 2.5 mm long in in fruit, articulated in the middle. Flowers small, yellow-green; calyx scarcely 1 mm long, deeply lobed, the lobes acute, tomentulose outside; petals suborbicular, ca. 1 mm long, abruptly contracted into a claw, the margin villous; disc glabrous, lobed; stamens 2.5-3 mm long, the filaments glabrous. Capsules obcordate-pyriform, abruptly stipitate, glabrate outside, glandular inside, 1-1.5 cm long, becoming reddish at maturity, the stipe to ca. 3 mm long; seeds obovoid, arillate, 1 cm long.