Tree to 10 m tall. Bark slightly flaky; outer blaze dark red to brown with pale streaks. Branchlets minutely appressed-puberulous. Leaves sessile and amplexicaul, or shortly petiolate; lamina elliptic to lanceolate, obtuse, 8-23 cm long, 2.5-6 cm wide, entire, undulate, discolorous, minutely puberulous, soon glabrous. Conflorescence to 26 cm long; rachis glabrous; common bracts ±triangular, acute, 1-1.3 mm long with sparsely puberulous margins; floral bracts ±triangular, c. 0.5 mm long. Pedicels at c. 90° to rachis, 6-7 mm long, ±glabrous. Perianth 22-29 mm long, white, glabrous; limb 5 mm long; tepals relaxing after anthesis. Anthers 3.5-4 mm long. Hypogynous glands c. 1 mm long, irregularly lobed. Gynoecium 24-28 mm long, straight, glabrous; pollen presenter 4-5 mm long, ribbed, green. Follicle 30-35 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, canoe-shaped after dehiscence. Seeds 22-25 mm long, 4 mm wide, winged; wings much wider on one side than the other and wider at the ends.