Tree 10-30 m high and 19-83 cm ø. Buttresses sometimes present, 2½ m high, l½ m wide, thin. Bark grey-brown or brown, smooth, or scaly, rarely fissured. Branchlets light brown, tomentose, usually glabrescent. Leaves coriaceous, oblanceolate or obovate-oblong, 13½-42 by 5-9 cm, glabrous and shining above, tomentose beneath; papillae distinct on the lower surface; base cuneate or attenuate; apex cuspidate or acuminate; nerves (15—)33—38 pairs, veins scalariform, elevated beneath, impressed above (leaves bullate); petiole (thickened) 1½-3 cm, tomentose, sometimes glabrescent. Panicles terminal, 15-17 cm long; bracts ovate to narrowly lanceolate or linear, (accrescent ?), up to 20 mm long; floral bracts ovate, c. 1½ mm long. Flowers (young) yellowish, sessile, 5⅔ mm long. Hypanthium ½-l mm long. Calyx lobes triangular, 1½-2 mm long. Petals ovate or ovate-oblong, 1½-2 by ⅔ mm, thickened at the lower ⅔ mm inside. Stamens 1⅓ mm; filaments brown, free; anthers ⅔ mm long. Disk obscurely 5-notched. Abortive pistil in ♂ minute, glabrous. ♀ Flowers not seen. Drupe ovoid, 3½-4½ by 2-2⅓ cm, thickly velvety (c. 3½ mm thick); apex acute or shortly acuminate.