Much-branched subshrub, up to 300 mm high. Stems erect; greyish pubescent with stellate and simple hairs. Leaves with blade ovate-oblong, oblong or obovate-oblong, 10-40 x 8-23 mm, base rounded to broadly cuneate, apex truncate, margins coarsely crenate-dentate, both surfaces thickly greyish stellate-pubescent. Flowers: solitary on slender pedicles; corolla < 10 mm long; orange-yellow; Jul.-Jun.
Leaf-lamina 0·8–3 × 0·6–2·3 cm., broadly oblong-elliptic or broadly elliptic, truncate and mucronulate at the apex, rounded or broadly cuneate at the base, margin coarsely crenate-dentate; petiole up to 1·3 cm. long; stipules c. 5 mm. long, filamentous.
Shrublet, up to 300 mm tall. Leaves with upper surface stellate-tomentose to glabrescent, usually less than twice as long as broad. Flowers shorter than 10 mm; orange-yellow.
Stamens connate for 1 mm. below; filaments 2 mm. long; anthers 1 mm. long, oblong; staminodes c. 3·5 mm. long, linear.
Seeds c. 1·8 mm. in diam., c. 3 per loculus, brown, irregularly compressed, testa vermiform-tuberculate.
Flowers solitary or geminate in the upper axils on peduncles c. 1 cm. long; pedicels c. 1 cm. long.
Sepals equalling or somewhat exceeding (particularly in fruit) the epicalyx, lanceolate, acute.
Epicalyx-bracts 5–7 × 4–6 mm. broadly ovate, acute at the apex, subcordate at the base.
Small woody shrublet 0·3 m. tall with all parts greyish-tomentose.
Ovary ovoid, tomentose; style 1–2 mm. long; stigmas linear.
Petals yellow, c. 6 × 4 mm., broadly obovate.
Fruit c. 0·8 × 0·6 cm., ovoid, tomentose.