A herb. It can grow each year from seed or keep growing for some years. It has a woody rootstock. Young growth is hairy. Branches are slender. There are many small branches and they are usually hairy. The leaves are 2.2-6.5 cm long by 1-2.2 cm wide. They are oval and have prominent leaf stalks. There are teeth along the edge. The tip is pointed. The flowers are 1 cm across. They are purple. A few flowers occur together in clusters in the axils of leaves. The capsules are 0.8 cm long by 1.2 cm across and they are pyramid shaped. They have prominent angles.
Life form |
Growth form |
Growth support |
Foliage retention |
Sexuality |
Pollination |
Spread |
Mature width (meter) |
Mature height (meter) |
0.1 - 2.0
Root system |
Rooting depth (meter) |
Root diameter (meter) |
Flower color |
Blooming months |
Fruit color |
Fruiting months |
Nitrogen fixer |
Photosynthetic pathway |
A tropical plant. In Argentina it grows between sea level to 1,000 m above sea level. It can grow up to 2,000 m.
Light |
Soil humidity |
Soil texture |
Soil acidity |
Soil nutriment |
Hardiness (USDA) |
Caution: Poisonous to cattle
Plants are grown from seed or cuttings.
Mode |
Germination duration (days) |
Germination temperacture (C°) |
Germination luminosity |
Germination treatment |
Minimum temperature (C°) |
Optimum temperature (C°) |
Size |
Vigor |
Productivity |