Young branches narrowly 4-winged, yellowish, the old ones inconspicuously 4-gonous or terete, covered with greyish and irregularly fissured bark; nodes thickened; internodes 0·5–1·5 cm. long.
Cymes up to 1·5 cm. long, 1–3-flowered, axillary or at the nodes of leafless branches; inflorescence-axis up to 4 mm. long, the peduncle and the pedicel each c. 2 mm. long.
Petals (in bud) 2·5 x 3·25 mm., whitish, irregularly rhombic, truncate at the base.
Receptacle campanulate, c. 3 mm. high and 4 mm. in diam. at the apex.
Anthers (in bud) 1·75 mm. long, with a gland on the back.
Receptacle-lobes broadly triangular, 1 x 2·5 mm.
Flower-buds obtusely apiculate, c. 5 x 4 mm.
Shrub c. 3 m. high.
Fruit unknown.
Ovules 6.