Tree up to 20 m. tall, smooth throughout; petioles 2.5-4 cm. long; leaf-blades ovate-elliptic, 8-13 cm. long, 4-7 cm. wide, shortly and obtusely cuspidate, entire, broadly cuneate at base, 5-nerved, the secondary veins 1-2 mm. apart; panicle large with widely diverging branches; hypanthium cup-shaped, 6.5 mm. wide; calyx spreading, 3-4 mm. wide, obscurely 5-lobed. Petals purple, 3 cm. long; stamens dimorphic; filaments 17 or 12 mm. long; anthers subulate, arcuate, 12 or 7 mm. long; connectives in one series merely dorsally gibbous at base, in the other series prolonged into a single spur 4 mm. long.