Shrub to 4 m. tall, the stems, petioles, lower leaf-surface, panicle, and hypan-thia densely hirsute or tomentose with straight or matted bristles 0.7-4 mm. long and stellate or frayed at the summit; petioles stout, 5-20 mm. long; leaf-blades ovate-lanceolate, oblong, or somewhat obovate-oblong, a third to two-fifths as wide, acuminate, more or less saliently dentate, 3-nerved, hirsute above with usually simple, rarely stipitate-stellate hairs; panicle pyramidal, up to 1 dm. long; flowers 5-to 6-merous, sessile in terminal few-flowered glomerules, each subtended by a small obovate-oblong bract; hypanthium nearly cylindric, 3.7 mm. long; calyx-tube prolonged about 0.5 mm.; calyx-lobes triangular, blunt, considerably surpassed by the subulate exterior teeth; petals oblong-obovate, about 4 mm. long, unsymmetrical; stamens essentially isomorphic but unequal, the anthers 4-5 mm. or 3-4 mm. long; connective continued at base into two rounded lateral lobes; stigma capitate, about 1 mm. wide.