Shrub to 5 m. tall, the stems, petioles, lower lear-surface, panicle, and hypanthia tomentose with ferruginous stellate hairs; petioles stout, 5-10 mm. long; leaf-blades firm in texture, oblong, 8-15 cm. long, two-fifths to half as wide, acuminate, entire, broadly rounded to subcordate at base, above sparsely stellate when young, soon glabrescent and somewhat shining, 3-nerved, often with an additional con-spicuous pair of marginal nerves; panicle up to 15 cm. long, commonly with super-posed branches; hypanthium campanulate, 2-2.5 mm. long to the torus; calyx-tube slightly flaring, prolonged about 0.7 mm.; calyx-lobes obscure, depressed-semicircular; petals obovate, white, about 3 mm. long; stamens dimorphic; anthers linear, about 3 or about 2.5 mm. long, the connective of the larger prolonged dorsally and laterally into a heart-shaped organ oblique to the axis, the lateral lobes antrorse and bearing the filament in the sinus, that of the smaller anthers prolonged into a minute dorsal lobe and two minute deflexed lateral lobes; stigma truncate.
A shrub. The fruit are 5 mm across.