Plants (100-)140-200 mm high, base sheathed by short collar of brittle fibres. Corm tunics of dark brown, reticulate fibres. Stem usually simple, rarely 1-branched. Leaves (2)3, plane, linear or falcate, ± 1 mm wide, usually with 1 or 2 prominent veins, margins thickened, hyaline when dry. Spike 16-to 40-flowered; bracts purple-brown with broad translucent, brown-flecked membranous margins, ± 5 mm long, inner bracts ± as long as outer, membranous with 2 dark keels, notched at apex. Flowers white fading to lilac, outer tepals tipped pale lilac, with subapical brown ridge on reverse; perianth tube ± 3 mm long; tepals oblong, ± 4 x 1.2 mm. Filaments ± 2.5 mm long; anthers oblong, ± 2.5 mm long. Style ± 7 mm long, dividing opposite middle of anthers; branches ± 1 mm long, barely notched at apex. Capsules oblong, slightly warty in distal half, ± 4 mm long. Seeds ± 3 mm long.