Plants (70-)150-350(-600) mm high, base sheathed by collar of short, stiff, bristly fibres. Corm 14-18 mm diam., tunics of coarse, dark brown, reticulate fibres. Stem simple or branched, occasionally with cormlets in axil of lowermost leaf and of uppermost cataphyll. Leaves (2)3 to 5, usually dry at flowering, lowermost 1 or 2 longest, blades 50-200 mm long (up to 300 mm in sterile plants), 4-7 mm diam., inflated, tubular and hollow, apex obtuse-mucronate, upper leaves progressively shorter and narrower. Spike 16-to 40-flowered; bracts mid-to dark brown, 5-6 mm long, outer with broad translucent membranous margins, inner bracts ± as long as outer, forked apically, membranous with 2 dark keels broadened toward base; lower nodes sometimes vegetative with one or more cormlets and bracts then pale. Flowers pale or dark blue or white, sweetly scented; perianth tube 5-6 mm long; tepals oblong, 5-6(-10) x 1.2-2.5 mm, reverse of outer tepals with prominent subapical ridge. Filaments 6-8 mm long; anthers oblong, 3.5-4.0 mm long. Style 7-8 mm long, dividing opposite or slightly below base of anthers, branches ± 1.5(-2.0) mm long, divided for ± half their length. Capsules ovoid, smooth, 4-5 mm long, with 3 or 4 seeds per locule. Seeds ± 3 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 10-45 cm, with collar of stiff fibres around base. Leaves tubular, hollow, tips truncate-apiculate, often dry at flowering. Flowers many in 2-ranked spikes, blue to mauve, fragrant, lower floral bracts occasionally sterile, subtending cormlets.