Plants small, in loose cushions, yellowish to reddish green; terricolous. Stems 1-2 mm tall; in section round, central cells very thin-walled, cortical cells lax, yellowish. Leaves weakly contorted dry, spreading wet; oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptical, 1.2-1.5 mm long; apex acute, cuspidate; margins narrowly revolute to plane, entire. Costa short-excurrent, awn to 0.1 mm long, smooth; ventral superficial cells quadrate to short-rectangular, papillose, dorsal superficial cells rectangular, smooth; in section round, guide cells 2, ventral surface cells larger, thickened, papillose, dorsal stereid band small, 1-3 cells thick, dorsal surface cells rounded, thickened, smooth. Upper laminal cells hexagonal to rectangular, papillose, 4-6 C-shaped papillae over lumen; marginal cells narrower, quadrate to rectangular, papillose; basal cells large, rectangular, smooth. Autoicous. Seta 2-4 mm long, yellowish; capsule ovoid to cylindrical, 0.8 mm long; exothecial cells rectangular, 2 rows at mouth quadrate; peristome very rudimentary to absent, consisting of 1-2 lightly papillose cells at mouth; operculum rostrate, deciduous; calyptra cucullate; spores angular, 25-32 µm, granulate.