Leaves with petiole (0·5)3·3-4·5 cm. long; rhachis c. (2·5)3·5-5·5(9) cm. long, prickly; pinnae (2)3-7 pairs; leaflets 3-6 pairs, (5)8-18 x (2)5-10(12) mm., ± obovate-to oblong-elliptic, ± appressed-pubescent or puberulous on both surfaces, not setulose, venation pinnate, ± visible beneath.
Flowers pink or mauve, in subglobose heads c. 0·7-1·5 cm. in diam., on pubescent unarmed or sparingly prickly peduncles 1-3 cm. long, 1-6 together from axils, usually aggregated into a panicle.
Scandent shrub 1·5-2 m. high or possibly more; stems shortly pubescent and densely armed with downwardly hooked prickles up to 2·5 mm. long.
Pods ± curved or almost straight, with scattered recurved prickles on margins only (sometimes prickles very sparse), 5-10 x 1·2-2·5 cm.
Corolla (2)2·5-3 mm. long.
Calyx 0·5-0·8 mm. long.
Stamens 7-8.