Momordica balsamina L.

Southern balsampear (en)


Angiosperms > Cucurbitales > Cucurbitaceae > Momordica


Perennial herb. Stems prostrate or scandent, to 2.7 m, finely rather sparsely crispate-pubescent, especially at nodes. Leaf-lamina 1-9 x 1.2-12 cm, broadly ovate to suborbicular in outline, deeply cordate, minutely punctate and laxly pubescent on veins beneath, very shortly sparsely setulose especially on veins above, deeply palmately 5-7-lobed, lobes sharply to obtusely 3-5-lobulate or sometimes merely sinuate-dentate, acute to rounded or subtruncate, apiculate. Petiole 0.3-6.1 cm long. Tendrils simple. Flowers monoecious, solitary. Male flowers: peduncle 16-105 cm long; bract 2-18 mm long, broadly ovate to suborbicular, sessile, apiculate, pallid with dark green veins and tip; pedicel 2-5 mm long. Receptacle-tube 2-4.5 mm long, lobes 4-9 mm long, ovate, broadly ovate or obovate, acute to rounded, bluntly acuminate or apiculate, blackish or green. Petals 1.0-1.9 cm long, pale yellow, cream or white, green-veined, dark at the base, obovate-oblong, rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate. Female flowers: peduncle 2-5 mm long; bract 1.5-5 mm long, green; pedicel 0.4-2.7 cm long; ovary 4-13 x 2-4 mm, ovoid, rostrate, sparsely tuberculate, puberulous; receptacle-tube 0.5-1 mm long, lobes narrow, 1-5 mm long; petals 0.5-1.3 cm long. Fruit 2.5-6.2 x 1.8-2.8 cm, ovoid, rostrate, tuberculate, bright orange-red or red, dehiscent into 3 valves; fruit-stalk 0.6-2.0 cm long. Seeds 8.5-11.2 x 5-6.6 x 2-3 mm, enveloped in red foetid pulp, ovate in outline, more or less compressed, faces with slightly depressed centres and elevated sculptured edges; margins grooved.
Climber or trailer to 1.5 m.. Stems herbaceous, glabrous or pubescent.. Leaf-blade broadly ovate, reniform or orbicular in outline, cordate, usually somewhat pubescent, 10–90 mm. long, 12–120 mm. broad, palmately 3–5-lobed to about the middle or below, with the lobes broadly ovate-or elliptic-rhombic in outline, narrowed below, sharply sinuate-dentate or dentate-lobulate and the apices and marginal teeth apiculate; petiole pubescent, 4–60 mm. long.. Tendrils simple.. Monoecious.. Male flowers solitary; peduncle 17–35 mm. long, bearing an apical 4–18 mm. long 9–34 mm. broad broadly ovate-cordate apiculate veined bract; pedicels 4–5 mm. long, ± pubescent; receptacle-tube obconic, 2 mm. long; lobes ovate-acuminate, acute, green, 5–7 mm. long; petals yellow with green veins, 10–15 mm. long, 8–12 mm, broad; stamens 3.. Female flowers with peduncle up to 1.5 mm. long bearing a small apical ovate bract (up to 2 × 2 mm.); pedicel 4–5 mm. long, pubescent; ovary fusiform and beaked, 6.5–7 mm. long, ± 3 mm. across, puberulous, with longitudinal rows of small tubercles; receptacle-tube shallow; lobes narrow, 2.5–5 mm. long; petals rounded-apiculate, ± 8 mm. long and 5 mm. broad.. Fruit on a 10–20 mm. long stalk, orange-red, ovoid-ellipsoid, ± 26–35 mm. long and 19–25 mm. across, terete or slightly ridged, ornamented with longitudinal rows of small tubercles.. Seeds ovate-oblong in outline, 9–11 × 5–6 × 2.5–3 mm.; testa sculptured; margins 2-grooved.
Monoecious, perennial herb. Stems slender, prostrate or climbing, up to 5 m long. Leaves foetid, up to 90 x 120 mm, outline broadly ovate to suborbicular, deeply cordate, deeply palmately 5-7-lobed; lobes sinuate-dentate or 3-5-lobulate; petioles up to 60 mm long. Tendrils simple. Flowers solitary. Male flowers: peduncle up to 105 mm long; bract ± suborbicular, up to 18 mm long, sessile, pallid with dark green veins and tip; pedicel 2-5 mm long; receptacle tube 2.0-4.5 mm long; lobes 4-9 mm long, ± ovate, blackish or green; petals obovate-oblong, 10-20 mm long, pale yellow to white, green-veined, dark at base. Female flowers: peduncle 2-5 mm long; bract 1.5-5.0 mm long, green; pedicel up to 27 mm long; receptacle tube 0.5-1.0 mm long; lobes narrow, 1-5 mm long; petals up to 13 mm long. Flowering time Dec.-July. Fruit ovoid, rostrate, up to 62 x 28 mm, tuberculate, orange or red, dehiscent into 3 valves; stalk up to 20 mm long. Seeds ovate, flattened, 8.5-11.0 mm long, edges elevated, sculptured, margins grooved, in red pulp.
Monoecious annual or perennial herb, glabrous. Leaves suborbicular, cordate at base; lamina 4–7 cm diam., deeply 5–7-lobed; lobes sinuate-dentate to lobulate, acute; petiole 1–5 cm long. Male flowers: flower-scape 2–8 cm long, bracteate towards top; bract ovate, 12–15 mm long, dentate, acute, pale green with darker veins; hypanthium 2 mm long; calyx-lobes ovate, 3 mm long, acuminate; petals ovate, 12–15 mm long, pale yellow. Female flowers: flower-scape 1–4 cm long, bracteate towards base or bract absent; calyx-lobes subulate, 3–4 mm long; ovary ovoid, 7–8 mm long, attenuate, muricate. Fruit ellipsoidal to fusiform, 3–6 cm long, 2–3 cm diam., slightly ridged and sparsely tuberculate, orange-red; pulp red. Seeds 3–6, ovate, 10–12 mm long, compressed, dark grey, the margin thickened, grooved, crenulate.
Stems pubescent to glabrescent. Leaves: petiole 1–4(–6) cm; blade broadly ovate or reniform to orbiculate, palmately 3–5-lobed, 1–9(–12) cm, base cordate, lobes broadly ovate or rhombic-ovate, sinuses 80–90% to base, margins sinuate-dentate, leaf lobes and teeth apiculate, surfaces glabrous or sparsely hairy. Inflorescences: staminate peduncles bracteate near apex, bracts sessile, broadly ovate-cordate to reniform, margins dentate to denticulate; pistillate peduncles ebracteate or bracteate at base to submedially. Petals yellow, obovate, 8–15 mm. Fruits orange-red, broadly ovoid, 2.5–4(–7) cm, beak becoming less prominent at maturity, surface minutely tuberculate, muriculate in longitudinal rows. Seeds ovate-oblong, 9–12 mm. 2n = 22.
Perennial herb. Stems procumbent or scandent. Tendrils simple, unbranched. Stems and petioles concolorous, uniformly green. Leaves with blade deeply palmately 3-7-lobed, usually to middle or beyond, lobes narrowed towards base, rhombic, elliptic or obovate in outline, ± sinuate-lobulate. Flowers: male flowers solitary, pedicel 2-5 mm long, peduncle free from petiole of subtending leaf; corolla 7-15 mm long, pale yellow, cream-coloured or white, green-veined, dark at base; Jul.-Jun. Fruit with longitudinal rows of small tubercles, otherwise smooth; pedicels 6-17 mm long.
A pumpkin family plant. It is a herb or vine. It can grow each year from seed or keep growing from year to year. The leaves have stalks. These are 1-5 cm long. The leaves are 4-7.5 cm across by 4-7 cm wide. They are round or with 3-5 lobes like fingers on a hand. The lobes are narrowly sword shaped. They have dots on both surfaces. The flowers are yellow. The flowers are separately male and female on the same plant. The fruit are oval but narrowed towards both ends. They are smooth or warty. They are smaller than Momordica charantia.
Prostrate or scandent herb. Tendrils simple, un-branched. Stems and petioles concolorous, uniformly green. Leaf lamina deeply palmately 3-7-lobed usually to the middle or beyond, lobes narrowed towards base, rhombic, elliptic or obovate in outline, ± sinuate-lobulate. Male flowers solitary, pedicel 2-5 mm long, peduncle free from petiole of subtending leaf. Ovary and fruit with longitudinal rows of small tubercles, otherwise smooth; fruit stalk 6-17 mm long. Flowers pale yellow, cream or white, green-veined, dark at base.
Monoecious, tuberous, perennial herb, with prostrate or climbing stems, up to 5 m long, with simple tendrils. Leaves deeply palmately 5-7-lobed, up to 120 mm long. Flowers solitary in leaf axils, male prominently bracteate, bract ± ovate, up to 18 mm long, pallid, green-veined, corolla white to yellow, green-veined, 10-20 mm long; female inconspicuously bracteate, with corolla ± smaller than in male. Fruit ovoid, beaked, 25-60 mm long, tuberculate, bright orange-red or red, splitting into 3 valves.
male flowers: peduncle 1·6–10·5 cm. long; bract 2-18 mm. long, broadly ovate to suborbicular, sessile, apiculate, pallid with dark green veins and tip; pedicel 2–5 mm. long. Receptacle-tube 2–4·5 mm. long, lobes 4–9 mm. long, ovate, broadly ovate or obovate, acute to rounded, bluntly acuminate or apiculate, blackish or green. Petals 1·0–1·9 cm. long, pale yellow, cream or white, green-veined, dark at the base, obovate-oblong, rounded or slightly retuse, apiculate.
Leaf-lamina 1–9 × 1·2–12 cm., broadly ovate to suborbicular in outline, deeply cordate, minutely punctate and laxly pubescent on veins beneath, very shortly sparsely setulose especially on veins above, deeply palmately 5–7-lobed, lobes sharply to obtusely 3–5-lobulate or sometimes merely sinuate-dentate, acute to rounded or subtruncate, apiculate.
Female flowers: peduncle 2–5 mm. long; bract 1·5–5 mm. long, green; pedicel 0·4–2·7 cm. long; ovary 4–13 × 2–4 mm., ovoid, rostrate, sparsely tuberculate, puberulous; receptacle-tube 0·5–1 mm. long, lobes narrow, 1–5 mm. long; petals 0·5–1·3 cm. long.
Seeds 8·5–11·2 × 5–6·6 × 2–3 mm., enveloped in red foetid pulp, ovate in outline, more or less compressed, faces with slightly depressed centres and elevated sculptured edges; margins grooved.
Fruit 2·5–6·2 × 1·8–2·8 cm., ovoid, rostrate, tuberculate, bright orange-red or red, dehiscent into 3 valves; fruit-stalk 0·6–2·0 cm. long.
Stems prostrate or scandent, to 2·7 m., finely rather sparsely crispate-pubescent, especially at nodes.
Fruit orange-yellow, beaked, 1–21/2 in. long, bursting and exposing red-brown seeds
A climber, wild, and often planted and growing over native huts
Flowers yellow (sometimes white) with a dark centre
Flowers monoecious, solitary.
Petiole 0·3–6·1 cm. long.
Tendrils simple.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support climber
Foliage retention -
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 5.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


A tropical plant. It grows in tropical and subtropical places. It is usually on sandy soils near rivers. In Nepal plants grow to about 600 m altitude. In Africa it grows in drier places. It grows from sea level to 1,600 m altitude in Africa. In Pakistan it grows to 300 m altitude. It can grow in arid places.
Found in sunny and semi-shaded locations in grassland, savannah, woodland, forest margins, coastal dune forests and in river bank vegetation as well as disturbed areas.
Usually found in riverinewoodland in sandy soil.
In drier regions.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture 5-6
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


The young fruit are cooked as a vegetable. They are boiled or fried. They are also eaten raw. They are used in stews and pickled. Caution: The ripe fruit cause diarrhoea. They are used as a flavouring. The young leaves and tendrils are used as a potherb. The seeds are eaten after steeping in salt water and cooking. Without treatment they are poisonous.
Uses animal food environmental use food food additive gene source invertebrate food material medicinal poison potherb social use vertebrate poison
Edible fruits leaves roots seeds stems
Therapeutic use Antiemetics (fruit), Burns (fruit), Cathartics (fruit), Diabetes mellitus (fruit), Hemorrhoids (fruit), Hypoglycemia (fruit), Snake bites (fruit), Ulcer (fruit), Wound healing (fruit), Wounds and injuries (fruit), Antiviral agents (seed), Apertif (unspecified), Bilious (unspecified), Burn (unspecified), Chafe (unspecified), Dermatosis (unspecified), Emetic (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Laxative (unspecified), Liver (unspecified), Malaria (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified), Tonic (unspecified), Vermicide (unspecified), Wound (unspecified), Calculus (unspecified), Piles (unspecified), Renitis (unspecified), Alterative (unspecified), Colitis (unspecified), Gout (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Skin (unspecified), Stimulant (unspecified), Purgative (unspecified), Analgesics (unspecified), Anti-bacterial agents (unspecified), Antihypertensive agents (unspecified), Appetite stimulants (unspecified), General tonic for rejuvenation (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants are grown from seed or tubers. It climbs over fences and huts.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 14 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 18 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Momordica balsamina leaf picture by Jimmy Woods (cc-by-sa)
Momordica balsamina leaf picture by Muhammad Ahmad Bakari (cc-by-sa)
Momordica balsamina leaf picture by Prasanta Hembram (cc-by-sa)


Momordica balsamina flower picture by André Hirsch (cc-by-sa)
Momordica balsamina flower picture by Prasanta Hembram (cc-by-sa)
Momordica balsamina flower picture by Josh Senften (cc-by-sa)


Momordica balsamina world distribution map, present in Angola, Australia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bahrain, Botswana, China, Cook Islands, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guadeloupe, Haiti, India, Israel, Jamaica, Mali, Mozambique, Mauritania, Martinique, Malaysia, Niger, Nigeria, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Somalia, eSwatini, Chad, Tanzania, United Republic of, United States of America, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000376910
INPN ID 630179
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Momordica balsamina Momordica huberi Nevrosperma cuspidata Momordica involucrata Momordica schinzii Momordica garriepensis