male flowers (1)3–4, arising from apex of petiole in basal sinus of leaf-lamina, the peduncle adnate to the petiole except for apical 2–3 mm.; bract 4–14 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, acuminate; pedicels 3–13 mm. long. Receptacle-tube 2–3 mm. long, lobes 5–11 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, acutely-acuminate, blackish-green. Petals 1·4–2·5 cm. long, orange, obovate-obcuneate, bilobed, retuse, apiculate.
Leaf-lamina 1·6–6·3 × 2·1–7·6 cm., broadly ovate or pentagonal in outline, deeply cordate, sinuate-denticulate, sparsely pilose-setose on veins beneath, sparsely pilose and shortly hispid or punctate above, palmately shortly 5-lobed, lobes triangular, shortly acuminate, obtuse, apiculate, the central largest.
Female flowers solitary, pedunculate; peduncles 0·3–2·4 cm. long, entirely free from the petioles; ovary 5–21 × 1·2 mm., slender, rostrate, ridged, densely villous or pilose; receptacle-tube very short, lobes 2–4 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, acute; petals 0·6–1·1 cm. long.
Fruit 1·8–3·2 × 0·4–0·6 cm., fusiform, ribbed, pubescent especially on ribs, 1–2-seeded; fruit-stalk 1–3·6 cm. long.
Stems slender, prostrate or scandent to 2 m., hispid-setose, arising from tuberous rootstock.
Seeds c. 12 × 3·5 × 3·5 mm., subfusiform; faces rounded, deeply sculptured, margins grooved.
Petiole 1·2–12·6 cm. long, hispid-setose.
Flowers monoecious.
Tendrils simple.