Plants mostly 300-500 mm high. Corms 10-18 mm diam.; tunics pale to dark brown, soft textured, inner layers ± entire, outer becoming vertically split, eventually fibrous. Stem flexed above sheath of foliage leaf, with long above-ground internode, bearing (1)2 sheathing leaves 30-50 mm long, usually ± obtuse, rarely sticky below upper nodes. Foliage leaf solitary, inserted shortly above ground level, firm to rigid, exceeding stem, terete. Rhipidial spathes dark green, distal margins brown, mostly truncate or obtuse at apex, inner 28-40(-60) mm long, outer ± half as long. Flowers fugaceous, pale yellow, outer tepal limbs with darker yellow nectar guides at bases; outer tepals 30-45 mm long, limbs ± as long as claws, inner tepals 25-35 mm long, initially erect, becoming reflexed to 40º at maturity. Filaments 6-14 mm long, united for at least 2 mm and usually 4-8 mm; anthers 4-8 mm long; pollen usually red. Ovary ± 10-15 mm long, cylindric-triangular to ± 3-winged, exserted, style branches 9-14 mm long, crests ± as long to slightly longer than style branches, 10-15 mm long, cylindric, somewhat 3-lobed, 15-20 mm long. Seeds large, flat, discoid.
Cormous geophyte, 20-40 cm, stem unbranched, sticky on nodes usually with 2 sheathing cauline leaves. Leaf solitary, terete. Flowers yellow with darker yellow nectar guides, filaments joined for at least 2 mm; ovary 3-angled.