Plants 150-200 mm high. Corm 9-12 mm diam.; tunics of light brown, netted fibres. Stem erect, simple or 1-branched, usually consisting of only 2 internodes, bearing long-attenuate sheathing leaves 25-40 mm long, dry and brown above. Foliage leaf solitary, basal, linear, channelled, margins ciliate-hairy, 4-8 mm widest, usually erect, slightly longer than to twice as long as stem. Rhipidial spathes long-attenuate, brown above, inner 45-65 mm long, outer ± half as long. Flowers dull creamy white, red-brown on reverse of outer tepals, spotted dark brown or blue towards base of outer tepal limbs on yellow background, tepals claws brown; outer tepals 20-24 mm long, claw 5-7 mm, bearded, limbs spreading, 17-25 mm wide; inner tepals 9-15 mm long, 3-lobed, inner lobe longest, acute, straight or twisted, lateral lobes short, obtuse, yellow, speckled brown. Filaments ± 5 mm long, united in a smooth column, free in upper 0.5 mm; anthers ± 4 mm long, purple-brown; pollen orange. Ovary 10-14 mm long; style ± 5 mm long, branches ± as long as anthers, crests ± 4 mm long, dull orange. Capsules oblong, 25-35 mm long, somewhat inflated. Seeds unknown.
Cormous geophyte, 15-20 cm. Leaf solitary, linear, channelled, hairy beneath. Flowers grey-white with dark speckles, brownish on the reverse, inner tepals trifid with a long, central cusp.