Flowers blue-violet with white to yellow nectar guides on the outer tepals; outer tepals 18–30 mm long, lanceolate, the limb slightly longer than the claw, spreading at c. 30° below horizontal; inner tepals 17–28 mm long, narrowly lanceolate to nearly linear, the limb also spreading.
Foliage leaves 2(3), longer than the stem but often trailing, 2–5 mm wide, linear, channelled; the lowermost basal or inserted near to well above the ground, the upper 1–2 leaves shorter than the basal leaf; sheathing leaves 2.5–6 cm long, green with dry brown attenuate apices.
Rhipidia few to several, one per branch; spathes green and sometimes flushed with red, becoming dry and brown apically, the inner 3–4(5) cm long, outer c. 1 cm shorter than the inner.
Ovary 3.5–7 mm long, exserted; style branches 8–10 mm long, crests 7–10 mm long.
Filaments c. 7.5 mm long, free in the upper third, anthers 4.5–5.5 mm long.
Corms 10–15 mm in diameter; tunics of fine to medium, dark-brown fibres.
Stem erect, usually with 1–2 (several) ascending branches.
Cataphylls pale, often broken or fibrous above.
Capsule 7–9 mm long, globose.
Plants 20–40 cm high.