Plants small, 100-150 mm high. Corm ± 10 mm diam.; tunics of wiry, black fibres. Stem flexuose, bearing foliage leaves at all nodes below spathes, usually branched. Foliage leaves 2 to 4, lowermost inserted well above ground, exceeding stem, linear, channelled, upper leaves progressively shorter. Rhipidial spathes attenuate, inner 30-35 mm long, outer ± 1/2 as long. Flowers fugaceous, pink with yellow cup, rarely uniformly yellow, tepal limbs with yellow nectar guides at bases edged dark pink, spreading, claws ascending, narrow at base and not contiguous, usually forming a wide cup windowed below, faintly scented; outer tepals oblong to narrowly obovate, 15-21 x 6-9 mm, claw ± 3 x < 1 mm, minutely papillate in middle; inner tepals slightly smaller, limbs ovate. Filaments united in a cylindric column ± 6 mm long, minutely papillate in lower half; anthers erect, contiguous, 3 mm long, collapsing to 2 mm after dehiscence. Ovary ± cylindric, ± 4 mm long, exserted; style branches 1 mm long, bifurcate, hidden by anthers, arms stigmatic apically and emerging between anthers; crests vestigial. Capsules and seeds not known.
Cormous geophyte, 100-300 mm tall, stem branched, flexed above leaf sheaths. Leaves 3, linear, channelled. Flowers enclosed in green spathes, salmon with yellow nectar guides, occasionally yellow, tepals subequal, claws short, narrow at base, limbs spreading, filaments united in a slightly bulbous column, anthers coherent, concealing the style branches, crests vestigial.