Plants 60-150 mm high. Corm 10-15 mm diam.; tunics of matted, relatively fine, dark brown (± black) fibres. Stem flexuose, flexed above sheathing base of each leaf, with up to 4 branches, rarely simple, without sheathing leaves. Foliage leaves 3 to 5, lowermost inserted shortly (up to 20 mm) above ground and largest, upper leaves progressively shorter, falcate, channelled, up to 60 mm long, 3-6 mm wide. Rhipidial spathes ± attenuate, with dry apices, inner 25-50 mm long, outer mostly ± 1/2 as long, free and arching outward in distal 2/3. Flowers fugaceous, pale yellow, limbs of all tepals with deeper yellow nectar guides at bases, spreading horizontally, outer tepal guides sometimes with numerous small dark green dots or clear yellow, faintly scented; outer tepals narrowly lanceolate, 28-30 x ± 8 mm, claws ± erect, ± 14 mm long, inner tepals 25-27 x 7 mm long, claws narrow ± as long as limbs, limbs twisted through 45º. Filaments 11-12 mm long, united in a cylindric column, free in upper ± 1.5 mm and diverging; anthers straight, ± 3.5 mm long, white; pollen white. Ovary ± 7 mm long, ± cylindric, flushed red; style branches 4 mm long, crests ± 2 mm long, erect. Capsules ovoid, 12-15 mm long. Seeds obovoid, ± smooth.
Cormous geophyte, up to 150 mm tall, branched. Leaves 2 or 3, linear, fairly short, channelled. Flowers enclosed in green spathes, yellow, tepal claws long, limbs shorter, outspread, filaments united in a slender column, style branches narrow, diverging, crests short, erect.