Plants 60-160 mm high. Corm ± globose, up to 20 mm diam., corm body enclosed in large basket-like, ± woody tunics, with cormlets produced round the base. Stem 2 internodes long, flexuose, usually 2-to 4-branched, branches arising from same aerial internode. Foliage leaves 2 or 3, linear, channelled, lowermost basal, upper inserted well above ground. Rhipidial spathes pale green, sometimes with brown apices; inner 30-50 mm long, outer seldom > half as long as inner. Flowers fugaceous, blue to violet, outer tepal limbs with yellow nectar guides at bases; outer tepals 16-18 mm long, claws ± 5 mm long, reflexed to ± 45º; inner tepals ± as long but narrower, similarly reflexed. Filaments ± 6 mm long, united in lower 1/2, free above; anthers ± 3 mm long, long-apiculate; pollen usually red. Ovary narrowly ovoid, 2-3 mm long, usually exserted; style branches plane, bearing stigmatic areas at lateral tips, with single prominent crest and feathery outgrowths from distal surface. Capsules ± globose, 6-8 mm long. Seeds angular prismatic.
Cormous geophyte, 6-16 cm. Leaves 2 or 3, linear, channelled. Flowers deep blue, style branches feathery.