Plants up to 150 mm high. Corm 5-7 mm diam.; tunics brown, inner layers ± woody and entire, outer becoming coarsely fibrous. Stem with 1 long above-ground internode, usually 1-or 2-branched from close to ground level. Leaves usually 3, linear, all inserted at ground level, channelled below, terete and often twisted to coiled distally. Rhipidial spathes green, leathery, with dark brown tips, acute or lacerated tips; inner 30-45 mm long, often lacerated at apex, outer ± 2/3 as long, acute, entirely sheathing. Flowers fugaceous, pale buff-yellow, finely veined with brown, flushed brown outside, outer tepal limbs with deep yellow nectar guides at bases edged with brown, rarely inner tepals with a small brown spot at limb bases; tepals lanceolate, with laxly spreading to half reflexed limbs, outer 20-30 mm long, claws 5-8 mm long, suberect; inner tepals ± 20 mm long, initially erect, limbs later half-reflexed. Filaments ± 5 mm long, united in lower 3-4 mm; anthers 4-5 mm, dull purple; pollen red. Ovary ± cylindric, 5-6 mm long, usually ultimately exserted; style branches 7 mm long, stigma lobe transverse, crests erect, lanceolate, 6-10 mm long. Capsules and seeds unknown.
Cormous geophyte, up to 150 mm tall, branches crowded at base. Leaves several, linear, channelled, twisted above, inserted at base. Flowers enclosed in green obtuse spathes, yellow with darker yellow nectar guides, tepal limbs lightly reflexed, filaments united in lower half, pollen red, style branches broad, crests prominent. Late Aug.-Sept.