Plants large, 500-750 mm high. Corms large, ± 35 mm diam.; tunics of coarse, wiry black fibres. Stem straight, several-branched from upper nodes, branches suberect, flexed upward below rhipidia, with sheathing leaves acute, 80-120 mm long. Foliage leaf solitary, basal, sheathing lower part of stem, channelled, falcate to trailing, 15-35 mm wide. Rhipidial spathes attenuate with brown, membranous tips, inner 50-70 mm long, outer slightly shorter. Flowers fugaceous, upright to half nodding, pale yellow (rarely pink), tepal limbs with dark yellow nectar guides at limb bases covered with tiny green dots, spreading, tepal claws erect, distally appressed to base of filament column, slightly bulbous below; outer tepals 27-34 x 11-17 mm, claws ± 4 mm long, limbs ± ovate; inner tepals slightly smaller, obovate. Filaments 7-10 mm long, united in cylindric to slightly bulbous column pubescent in lower 1/2; anthers 8-11 mm long, diverging, exceeding style branches, arching inward distally; pollen yellow. Ovary cylindric-curved, 10-20 mm long; style branches diverging, 4-10 mm long, stigma lobe broad, fertile laterally; crests horizontal, 3 mm long. Capsules 20-25 mm long, club-shaped. Seeds angular, light brown.
Cormous geophyte, up to 750 mm tall. Leaf 1, clasping lower half of stem, channelled, trailing above. Flowers enclosed in green spathes, yellow, occasionally salmon-pink, darkly speckled in centre, tepal claws short and clasping, anthers exserted on a thick filament column.
Cormous geophyte, 50-75 cm. Leaf solitary, clasping lower half of stem, channelled, trailing above. Flowers yellow or salmon-pink, tepal claws short and clasping, anthers exserted on a thick filament column.