Plants 220-350 mm high. Corm 10-14 mm diam.; tunics brown, with coarse, vertically ridged fibres. Stem 3-to 6-branched, rarely simple, with short, partly sheathing bracts subtending branches. Leaves several (up to 9), mostly basal, ± falcate to trailing, often loosely twisted, widely channelled, 10-16 x 10-15 mm, margins undulate. Rhipidial spathes ± acute, inner 22-28 mm long, outer ± 1/3 as long. Flowers fugaceous, yellow, ± orange outside, outer tepal limbs ± spreading to reflexed to 40º, with deep yellow nectar guides at bases; outer tepals 22-28 x ± 12 mm, claws 8-9 mm long, inner tepals 23-25 mm long, similarly oriented. Filaments 6-7 mm long, united ± in lower half; anthers ± 4 mm long, red; pollen red. Ovary narrowly ovoid, 3.5-4.0 mm long, style branches ± 7 mm long, crests lanceolate, 9-13 mm long. Capsules ± globose, 5-7 x ± 5 mm. Seeds angular, up to 2 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, up to 300 mm tall, several-branched. Leaves several, linear, channelled. Flowers enclosed in pale green spathes, yellow, inner and outer tepals with laxly spreading limbs, filaments united in lower half, style branches broad, crests prominent.