Plants tiny, 30-50 mm high at anthesis, taller in fruit. Corm globose, 8-10 mm diam.; tunics of fine, pale fibres accumulating in a thick mass. Stem unbranched, 2 internodes long, middle node bearing a short sheathing, bract-like leaf ± 10 mm long. Foliage leaf solitary, inserted at ground level, somewhat succulent, channelled, falcate, 30-40 mm long. Rhipidial spathes firm, often flushed red, entirely sheathing; inner spathe 12-14 mm long, outer slightly shorter. Flowers fugaceous, blue, outer tepal limbs with small, yellow nectar guides at bases and claws streaked with red transverse marks; outer tepals 10-14 mm long, limbs 6-8 mm long, reflexed to ± 35º; inner tepals 8-10 mm long, limbs also reflexed. Filaments ± 3 mm long, united in smooth column in lower 2/3, diverging above; anthers 1.5-2.0 mm long; pollen white. Ovary ovoid, ± 2 mm long, style branches broad, 3 mm long, crests erect, ± 2 mm long. Capsules subglobose, ± 5 mm diam. Seeds unknown.
Dwarf almost acaulescent, cormous geophyte, 3-5 cm. Leaf solitary, linear-lanceolate, shallowly channelled. Flowers small, blue-mauve, style crests short.