Plants mostly 450-600 mm high. Corm 14-20 mm diam.; tunics of dark brown netted fibres. Stem with 2 or 3 aerial internodes, up to 10-branched, rarely simple, sheathing leaves with dry brown, attenuate apices, 50-80 mm long. Foliage leaf solitary, ± basal, linear, channelled, 3-4 mm wide, either exceeding stem or trailing distally. Rhipidial spathes with dry, attenuate apices, inner 60-80 mm long, outer ± 1/2 as long. Flowers long-lived, white to pale blue or lilac, outer tepal limbs with nectar guides of small brown dots at bases, lanceolate, half reflexed, inner tepals and style branches dotted green or brown; outer tepals 25-30 mm long, claws ascending, ± as long as limbs, velvety on inner surface, velvety to scabrid outside; inner tepals 3-lobed, lobes laxly spreading, subequal, ± linear, 5-7 mm long, obtuse. Filaments 13-15 mm long, united in a slender column, free in upper ± 2 mm; anthers 5-6 mm long, often exceeding stigma lobes, yellow; pollen white to yellow. Ovary ± cylindric, 6-8 mm long, usually exserted; style branches ± 6 mm long, crests linear, 4-5 mm long. Capsules club-shaped, 9-11 mm long. Seeds angular-prismatic.
Cormous herb, up to 0.75 m high. Filaments 13-15 mm long. Outer tepals 25-30 mm long. Inner tepals tricuspidate, divided into 3 subequal, slender lobes. Reverse of large outer tepals scabrid to pubescent. Flowers white, speckled green to brown on inner tepals and claws and nectar guides of outer tepals.