Plants 150-350 mm high. Corm obconic-subglobose, 25-40 mm diam., bearing numerous small cormlets at base; tunics brown, outer layers becoming fibrous, with strong vertical ribs joined by fine fibres. Stem sticky below nodes, usually branching at all nodes, with 2, rarely 3, branches per node, with cauline sheathing leaves up to 28 mm long, dry and brown in distal 5-6 mm, ± truncate or subacute. Foliage leaves 2, lowermost up to 40 x 4-6 mm (opened flat), inserted below ground, linear, channelled, longest, initially suberect, trailing above, upper leaf somewhat shorter. Rhipidial spathes subacute to ± truncate, purple near tips, aging dry and brown, inner 22-25 mm long, outer 1/2-2/3 as long. Flowers fugaceous, slate blue-grey to purple, outer tepals coppery pink outside and limbs with off white nectar guides minutely speckled with blue dots at bases, claws whitish, minutely speckled grey-blue; outer tepals ± 18 x 5.5-7.0 mm, initially spreading, later half reflexed often recurving distally, claws ± 10 mm long, thus slightly exceeding limbs, suberect; inner tepals up to 14 x 3 mm, oblanceolate, limbs spreading horizontally or later half reflexed. Filaments ± 8 mm long, free but closely cohering in smooth, cylindric column ± 6.5 mm long, diverging near apex; anthers 3-4 mm long, dark purple; pollen orange-red. Ovary ± 8 mm long, usually included; style branches ± 6 x 2 mm, sharply diverging and extended horizontally, white, flushed purple distally; stigma lobe transverse, with prominent stigmatic appendage ± 2 mm long, acute or apex forked, crests arching upward, 4-5 mm long, purple. Capsules and seeds unknown.