Plants 280-400 mm high. Corm ovoid, ± 10 mm diam.; tunics of coarse, light brown fibres, with collar of ± fine fibres around base. Stem lightly flexuose, sticky below nodes for half internode length, cauline sheathing leaves 24-35 mm long, green, becoming dry and light brown above, ± acute; bearing 2 or 3 short branches at upper 3 or 4 nodes, lowermost sometimes also branched. Foliage leaves usually 2, lowermost inserted below ground, upper inserted at first aerial node, blades channelled, ± 2 mm wide, exceeding stem, arching outward or trailing distally. Rhipidial spathes green, with dry, brown tips, 18-22 mm long, inner slightly shorter than outer. Flowers fugaceous, pale creamy yellow, outer tepal limbs with pale yellow mark at bases, unscented, tepal claws ascending, forming a cup enclosing filament bases; tepals with limbs initially spreading later reflexed to ± 30º, outer 18-20 x 7.5-8.5 mm, claws ± 2 mm long, ± erect, limbs ovate, obtuse; inner slightly shorter, ± 18 x 7 mm. Filaments ± 5 mm long, free but parallel and connivent below forming slender column, diverging in upper 1 mm; anthers ± 3 mm long, erect, contiguous, white; pollen white. Ovary narrowly ovoid, ± 3 mm long, exserted; style dividing shortly below base of anthers into 3 filiform arms, each stigmatic apically and extended between filaments, ± 4 mm long. Capsules and seeds unknown.
Cormous geophyte, 30-40 cm, stems sticky. Leaves solitary, linear, channelled and trailing. Flowers pale yellow, style branches filiform, undivided, extending between the anther bases.