Plant small, acaulescent 30-40 mm high. Corm spindle-shaped, ± 10 mm diam., tunics of grey-brown, wiry, reticulate fibres. Stem with 1 to 4 sessile branches clustered at ground level. Leaves 3, clustered at ground level, lowermost longest, inserted on stem at ground level, falcate, terete, 50-80 mm long, 0.8-1.0 mm diam., upper 2 leaves much shorter, recurved, bifacial, channelled or with short terete blade up to 20 mm long. Rhipidial spathes green, 25-30 mm long, outer leaf-like, spreading distally, ± as long as inner. Flowers rotate, pale to golden-yellow, limbs of all tepals with brown, spear-or lozenge-shaped nectar guide near bases, tepal claws ascending, forming a cup enclosing base of filament column, limbs spreading, inner usually twisted through 90º distally; tepals united for 2 mm, claws ± 1 mm long, limbs obovate-pandurate, truncate, outer ± 12 x 6 mm, inner slightly smaller. Filaments ± 5 mm long, connate in a smooth, cylindric column ± 4 mm long, free and diverging in upper 1 mm; anthers ± 3 mm long, arched, yellow; pollen yellow. Ovary cylindric, ± 10 mm long, included; style branches divided almost to base into paired terete arms extending either side of each anther, ± 1.5 mm long, stigmatic at apices, crests reduced, ± 1 mm long. Capsules and seeds unknown.