Plants 200-450 mm high. Corm 15-20 mm diam., bearing numerous small cormlets at base; tunics brown, ± woody or becoming fibrous, sticky-bituminous on inner surfaces. Stem usually with 2 or 3 branches at most aerial nodes, viscous below nodes, bearing cauline sheathing leaves obtuse to truncate. Foliage leaves 2, linear, channelled, falcate to trailing, 2-4 mm wide. Rhipidial spathes green, becoming dry above, acute to obtuse, 18-24 mm long, prominently veined when dry, outer usually slightly shorter. Flowers fugaceous, white, sometimes flushed brown to purple outside, outer tepal limbs with small pale yellow nectar guides at bases, sweetly scented; outer tepals 15-23 x ± 8 mm, ± spreading (or limbs slightly reflexed), claws ascending, 5-8 mm long; inner tepals 14-20 mm long, oriented as outer tepals. Filaments 5-6 mm long, parallel and contiguous in a slender column, diverging near apices; anthers 4-5 mm long, acuminate; light brown; pollen light brown to red. Ovary ± 5 mm long, ± ovoid, exserted, style branches ± 5 mm long, crests mostly as long to slightly longer, occasionally reduced to ± 1 mm. Capsules broadly ovoid, 7-10 mm long. Seeds angled.
A herb. It is a corm or bulb plant and grows 20-45 cm tall. There are 2 or 3 narrow leaves that are channelled and trailing. The flowers are white and have a scent.
Cormous geophyte, 20-45 cm, stems sticky. Leaves 2 or 3, linear, channelled and trailing. Flowers white, fragrant.