Flowers 5-merous. Hypanthium obconic to pyriform or cup-shaped. Sepals commonly coherent in the bud, at anthesis separating nearly or quite to the torus. Petals mostly yellow, ovate to lanceolate, acute or acuminate, often very unsym-metrical. Stamens isomorphic; anthers stout, blunt; thecae much shorter than the anther, opening by a lateral longitudinal cleft on both sides of the anther; con-nective thickened toward the base, bearing a conspicuous dorsal gland near the middle, often prolonged at base into a short, stout, dorsal spur. Ovary wholly inferior, 1-to 5-celled; stigma punctiform; ovules few in each locule, basal or nearly so. Fruit a berry. Trees or shrubs, usually glabrous, with 1-nerved (in our species) leaves and small axillary cymes.