Undershrub, with soft, fine, stellate and simple hairs. Leaves alternate, simple, subsessile. Inflorescence a condensed, 2–4-flowered terminal or axillary cyme or reduced to a single flower. Flowers 5-merous, yellow, subtended by lanceolate, foliaceous bracts. Sepals free, imbricate. Petals free, imbricate. Stamens 10, free; filaments slender with a small densely pilose scale just above base on inner side; anthers versatile, slightly retuse; dehiscence introrse. Disc intrastaminal, small, crenate. Carpels 5, ± free from base; styles slender, each with a tuft of hairs on inner side above base, united above; stigma capitate, shortly 5-lobed. Cocci slightly spreading, bluntly apiculate. Seed subreniform; adaxial margin straight; outer testa membranous; sclerotesta smooth; hilum superficial, linear; raphe small.