Herbs perennial. Roots fibrous. Rhizomes horizontal, elongate, ca. 3 mm in diam., glabrous. Stems creeping proximally, ascending distally, sometimes branched, to 60 cm × 3--5 mm, with a line of dense hairs. Leaf sheaths hirsute in a line; leaf blade lanceolate, ca. 12 × 1--2.2 cm, glabrous, base slightly clasping, apex shortly acuminate or obtuse. Panicles terminal, of several cincinni, 2--4 cm, glabrous throughout; basal 1 or 2 involucral bracts leaflike, nearly as large as leaves, others small, less than 1 cm; bracts ca. 2 mm; pedicels straight. Sepals obovate-orbicular, ca. 4 mm. Petals pale purple to nearly white, obovate-orbicular. Fertile stamens 3; filaments lanate; staminodes 3; antherodes 3-sect. Capsule narrowly ellipsoid, trigonous, 6--7 mm (excluding apiculus), acute at both ends, apiculate at apex. Seeds ca. 3 per valve, gray, red spotted. Fl. and fr. JunSep.