A leafy bush. Sometimes it grows up to 6 m tall. The trunk is light pale grey with small raised dots across it. The young leaves can be a rich golden colour. The leaves are long and slender. They are 15 cm long by 1-2.5 cm wide. They are pointed at the tip and narrowed towards the base. Often they have teeth along the edge. The flowers are small and without petals. The flowers are crowded onto short spikes. The male and female flowers can occur on the same or on different plants. Flowers are pollinated by bees. The fruit are small and round. They are 5 mm across. They are bluish-black when ripe. They have a waxy coating.
Life form |
Growth form |
Growth support |
Foliage retention |
Sexuality |
Pollination |
Spread |
Mature width (meter) |
Mature height (meter) |
1.0 - 9.0
Root system |
Rooting depth (meter) |
Root diameter (meter) |
Flower color |
Blooming months |
Fruit color |
Fruiting months |
Nitrogen fixer |
Photosynthetic pathway |
A subtropical plant. It grows naturally along stream banks, in forests, and on coastal flats. It suits hardiness zones 9-10.
Light |
Soil humidity |
Soil texture |
Soil acidity |
Soil nutriment |
Hardiness (USDA) |
The fruit is eaten by some people.
Mode |
Germination duration (days) |
Germination temperacture (C°) |
Germination luminosity |
Germination treatment |
Minimum temperature (C°) |
Optimum temperature (C°) |
Size |
Vigor |
Productivity |