Shrubs 1 m or more. Branchlets terete, 1.5-2.5 mm in diam., minutely puberulent when young, glabrescent. Petiole canaliculate, 6-8 mm, not decurrent at base; leaf blade broadly elliptic to oblong, 3-5 × 1.5-3 cm, papery or leathery, not punctate, glabrous, base obtuse, margin entire, revolute, apex abruptly short acuminate, apiculate; lateral veins inconspicuous. Inflorescences axillary, umbellate or fascicled, sessile; bracts broadly ovate. Flowers leathery, white, 2.7-3 mm, 5-merous. Pedicel 4-5 mm, glabrous, subtended by a scaly bract. Calyx lobes spreading, nearly free, linear-oblong, 1.5-2 mm, glabrous outside, sparsely puberulent inside, punctate, margin entire, glabrous, apex obtuse or rounded. Petals free or somewhat united, narrowly lanceolate or oblong, 2.8-3 mm, glabrous outside, sparsely and minutely glandular granulose inside, punctate, apex obtuse. Stamens shorter than petals; filaments basal 1/3 adnate to petals; anthers small, reniform, not punctate on back. Stigma apiculate. Fruit red, 3-5 mm in diam., usually longitudinally wrinkled, pellucid punctate. Fl. Jun, fr. Nov.