Plants medium-sized, in loose mats, pale silvery green. Stems creeping to erect-arcuate, , strongly julaceous, unbranched to weakly irregularly branched, branches terete-foliate; central strand present; pseudoparaphyllia orbicular-triangular; axillary hairs of 2-4 cells. Stem leaves erect-appressed, crowded, imbricate, orbicular to broadly ovate, concave, not or indistinctly plicate; base moderately decurrent; margins nearly entire to serrulate; apex very broadly acute to rounded, short-apiculate when young, blunt when mature; costa to mid leaf or slightly beyond, moderately stout, terminal spine absent; alar cells smaller than basal juxtacostal cells; laminal cells short-rhombic to rhombic. Branch leaves similar. Sexual condition dioicous. [Seta red-brown, smooth. Capsule inclined to horizontal, nearly black when old, oblong, weakly curved; annulus separating in fragments; operculum long-conic, obliquely rostrate; peristome xerocastique, perfect. Calyptra naked. Spores 12-16 µm].