Very young stems and foliage densely appressed silvery-grey silky, older stems characteristic pale yellow-brown in colour, sparsely appressed pubescent or glabrescent.
Inflorescences 6–29 cm long; flowers 2–3 at each node; true pedicels 3–5 mm long, jointed to the vestigial branchlet; bracts 3–4 mm long, oblong, acute.
Mostly erect herb or shrublet 0.4–1 m tall, or less often with prostrate stems* to 1.5 m long, from a large underground tuber up to 45 cm in diameter.
Standard dark blue or mauve, bright inside, ± greyish outside (rarely flowers yellow, fide Leach & Noel 274), c. 1 cm long.
Calyx tube 3–5 mm long; lobes 5–5.5 mm long, oblong, obtuse, 2 upper lobes partly joined; lowest lobe the longest, acute.
Pods 7–10.5 × 1.5–1.7 cm, linear-oblong, with ± dense short and longer hairs (silky when young), 2–5-seeded.
Seeds black, 12–13 × 9–11 × 5–7 mm, rounded-oblong or oblong-reniform, compressed.