Tree, up to 27 m high, dbh up to 60 cm. Twigs 2.5-7 mm in diam., (sub)glabrous. Leaves 1-5-jugate; petiole 2-7.5 cm long, 1.25-2 mm thick, semiterete to sometimes terete; axes (sub)glabrous; petiolules 3-9 mm long, either narrowly and deeply grooved without, or broadly and shallowly grooved with a faint to strong median rib. Leaflets (narrowly) ovate to obovate, 4.5-16 by 2-6 cm, index 1.5-4.5, pergamentaceous; above sparsely puberulous on the midrib to glabrous, beneath the same and sometimes ± sparsely minutely sericeous all over; domatia absent; base acute to obtuse or sometimes rounded, sometimes attenuate; sides curved to nearly straight; apex mostly rounded, sometimes either emarginate, or acute to slightly acuminate; midrib above either prominulous or sunken, nerves 0.5-1.5 cm apart, above prominulous to sunken, intercalated veins strongly developed, making the nerve pattern rather irregular, veins and veinlets above somewhat, beneath sometimes distinctly different, above densely reticulate, prominulous on both sides. Inflorescences pseudoterminal to terminal. Sepals nearly free, 1-1.8 mm long. Petals 2-5, elliptic, narrowed at base, 0.8-1.3 mm long, both sides woolly, no scale. Disc glabrous. Stamens (7 or) 8. Ovary 2-celled. Fruits ellipsoid, 3.25-4 by 2.25 cm, the appendages rather dense to dense, up to 6(-9) mm long, triangular, pyramidal, or conical at the base, tapering into a tongue-or strap-shaped, curved upper part, ± densely golden brown puberulous; wall coriaceous, thin.
A tree. It grows up to 27 m high. The trunk is 60 cm across. The leaves have 1-5 pairs of leaflets. The fruit is an oval capsule. It is 3-4 cm long by 2 cm wide. It is red and covered with appendages.