Herb to 1.3 m, densely pubescent with soft, non-glandular hairs. Leaves mostly cauline, the lower ones elliptic, the upper narrowly elliptic or lanceolate; lamina up to 22 (occasionally to 30) cm long; lower leaves petiolate, the petiole to 8 cm long, broadly winged, auriculate and stem-clasping; upper leaves sessile, the uppermost auriculate. Inflorescence panicle-like, few-branched; lower bracts sometimes leafy. Calyx 7–14 mm long. Corolla-tube 15–20 mm long, 2–3.5 mm wide at top of calyx; limb 6–12 mm diam., the lobes obtuse or notched. Two of upper 4 anthers usually slightly above the other 2, their filaments to 2.5 mm long; filament of the 5th stamen 8–11 mm long, inserted in lower half of corolla-tube. Capsule ellipsoid to ovoid-ellipsoid, 5 mm long. Seeds reniform, ovoid or L-shaped; testa wrinkled.