Trees. Twigs gradually thickening from the nodes upwards, rusty pubescent when young. Leaves petioled; connected by very broadly triangular, about 1 mm high, blunt stipules. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, dichasially branched to thyrsoid, dense and many-flowered, densely rusty tomentose; bracts narrowly triangular. Flowers 5-merous, subsessile, with two pairs of decussate, minute bracteoles. Calyx cupular, 0.75(-1) mm high, tube very short, lobes broadly rounded, densely tomentose outside, inside glabrous, without colleters. Corolla salver-shaped, thin-fleshy, outside densely tomentose, creamy to yellowish; lobes valvate in bud. Stamens inserted between the corolla-lobes, glabrous, exserted filaments filiform, c. 6 mm; anthers latrorse, cells free in the lower half. Ovary obovoid, for the greater part densely and shortly erect-hairy; 2-celled, with elliptic peltate placentas; ovules ∞; style terete, slender, glabrous, caducous, stigma faintly capitate and slightly bilobed. Capsule septicidal, 2-valved, valves outside densely fulvous-tomentose except the margins. Seeds few to many, small, slenderly spindle-shaped, smooth and glabrous; endosperm fleshy.