Bulbels many, pale brown, ovoid, 3--5 mm in diam. Stem 60--150 cm, subglabrous. Basal leaves several, lorate, 10--25 × 1.5--2 cm; cauline leaves linear-lanceolate, 10--18 × 1--2 cm. Raceme laxly 10--24-flowered; bracts leaflike, linear, 2--7.5 cm × 3--4 mm. Flowers horizontal; pedicel slightly curved, 5--7 mm. Tepals usually spreading, pale purple or blue-purple, tinged with green apically, obovate or oblanceolate, 2.5--3.6 × 0.8--1.2 cm. Stamens scarcely shorter than tepals. Ovary pale purple, 1--1.5 cm. Style 1.5--2 cm. Capsule oblong to obovoid-oblong, 1.6--2 × ca. 1.5 cm, obtusely angular. Fl. Jul, fr. Aug. 2 n = 24*.