Indumentum long and dense, cream to golden or rusty, mostly paler on young leaf upper surfaces, soon disappearing from the stems and leaf upper surfaces. Stem prophylls and cataphylls narrow, acute, c. 1 mm long, the cataphylls often unequally accrete (2-)4-7(-40) mm above the base of the internode. Leaf lamina ovate to broadly ovate, (2-)2.5-4(-6) by (1.5-)2-3(-5) cm, cuneate to slightly cordate at the base to a petiole (l-)3-5(-7) mm long, rounded but sometimes shortly attenuate at the apex. Inflorescence an indeterminate spike of 9-14 decussate pairs of cymules; axis 3-6 cm long, with dense tufts of hairs prominent at the nodes; cymules 3-flowered with the central flower usually male and a bract under each flower.