A straggling shrub or small tree from about 1-2.5 m tall, new growth pilose pubescent. Leaves ternate, oblong, narrowly oblong or oblong-elliptic, cuneate at the base, usually broadly rounded at the apex, mucronate, margin entire or with a few distinct small teeth in the upper half, 1.5-4.5 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm broad, glabrous when mature or with a loose pubescence which sometimes persists along the midrib, upper surface slightly darker than the lower, both surfaces reticulately veined, midrib prominent beneath. Inflorescence of interrupted cymose panicles with dichotomous branching, flowers sessile, 7 or more congested into a false head; outer bracts forming a false involucre, about 1 mm long, roughly pubescent, inner slightly smaller. Calyx pale, when glutinous appearing light straw-coloured, when not glutinous dull whitish green with obvious white scales on the outside, the inner surface lined with appressed erect hairs sometimes appearing as ciliae at the sinuses and on the lobes; tube more or less 2-5 mm long; lobes just under 1 mm long, erect, some rounded at the apex, others sub-acute. Corolla white, tube cylindric included in the calyx tube, about 2 mm long, minutely scaly within; lobes in bud imbricate not umbonate, about 1.5 mm long, linear-oblong; concave on upper surface, convex and glabrous dorsally, at first erect then reflexed over the top of the calyx lobes, bearded near the base within. Stamens inserted at the mouth of the corolla tube, not kneed near the base. Ovary hirsute, style exserted. Capsule small, appressedly pubescent, included in the persistent calyx or very shortly exserted, broadly rounded at apex, but valves short or long acuminate.
Small tree or shrub, 1.0-2.5 m high. Leaves oblong, cuneate, 15-45 x 5-15 mm, margins entire or sometimes minutely toothed in upper half. Cymes contracted to form several-to many-flowered heads or umbels with bracts forming false involucre, inflorescence oblong in outline, overtopping leaves. Flowers white.