Tree 10-18 m. high; branchlets striate, early minutely brown-sericeous-pubescent, becoming gray-or black-pubescent, eventually glabrescent. Leaves alternate, subverticillate; petioles winged, thick, pubescent, 1.5 (-2.5) cm. long; blades early glabrous above, except for the dense and thick ferruginous-sericeous pubescence on the strongly recurved margin and costa beneath, coriaceous, in the dried state brown above or greenish brown, shining, ferruginous-pubescent beneath, opaque, oblong-elliptic, elliptic, or slightly obovate-elliptic, (3-) 7.5-9 (-11) cm. long and (1.8-) 3-4.5 cm. broad, the base cuneate, strongly recurved and decurrent into the petiole, the apex obtuse or slightly and obtusely subacuminate, penninerved, the costa somewhat elevated above, conspicuously so beneath, pubes-cent throughout, the nerves 7-10 pairs, plane and regularly slightly elevated, con-colorous above, obscure, pubescent beneath, diverging at an angle of 450, frequently obscure glands present in axils of lateral nerves, the reticulation plane above and regularly subcancellate, elevated. Inflorescence axillary, narrowly paniculate, subcapitate, to 8 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, few-flowered, stout, densely sericeous-ferruginous-pubescent, the peduncle 3-5 cm. long. Flowers 5.5 mm. long, sessile or pedicellate, the pedicels to 2.5 mm. long, the perianth cam-panulate (urceolate-campanulate, according to the collector), sulphur-yellow, greenish yellow, or occasionally white, the lobes broadly ovate, acute, thick, densely pubescent, 3-3.5 mm. long; stamens of ser. I & II to 1.9 mm. long, the anthers equaling or twice the length of the filaments; those of ser. III 2.15-2.5 mm. long, the glands sessile, nearly equaling the anthers; gynaecium glabrous, 2.5-3 mm. long, the ovary subglobose or ovoid, more than one-half the entire length, the stigma triangular, conspicuous. Fruit black-olivaceous, minutely canescent or gray-canescent-punctate according to the collector, broadly obovoid, 28-30 X 20-22 mm., the subtending cupule shallow, red, subcampanulate or at maturity sometimes infundibuliform, somewhat verruculose, glabrous or glabres-cent, rugulose, 6-7 cm. long, to 1.5 cm. in diameter and 3 mm. deep, the pedicel glabrous, rugulose, aciculate, to 1 cm. long.