Tree or shrub; branchlets thick, conspicuously angled, ferruginous-pubescent, becoming darkened, glabrescent. Leaves alternate, the petioles robust, canalicu-late, to 1.5 mm. long; blades glabrous above at maturity, shining, beneath early tomentose becoming glabrescent, glaucescent, coriaceous, usually elliptic to sub-obovate, 16-25 cm. long and 4-8 cm. broad, the base acute or narrowly attenuate, with the margin conspicuously recurved, the apex obtusely acute or somewhat acuminate, the margin recurved, penninerved, the costa brownish, slightly elevated above, prominently so beneath, the nerves 12 or more pairs, rather obscure above, slightly elevated beneath, diverging from the costa at an angle of 450, the reticu-lation conspicuous throughout, more so beneath. Inflorescences numerous, axillary, paniculate, many-flowered, 15 (-20) cm. long, ferruginous-tomentellous. Stami-nate flowers 2-3 mm. long, densely pubescent, the pedicels to 1 mm. long; perianth-lobes yellow, broadly ovate, to 3 mm. long; stamens of ser. I & II 1 mm. long, the anthers ovate or ovate-oblong, 2-3 times longer than the filaments; those of ser. III 1 mm. long, oblong-subrectangular, the filaments rather broad, short, with small globose sessile glands; gynaecium glabrous, stipitiform, 1.5 mm. long. Pistillate flowers smaller than the staminate, stamens 1 mm. long, the filaments of the outer series short, the stamens of the inner series almost sessile, the ovary equaling the very thick style, the stigma rather small. Fruit ovoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, apiculate, to 8 mm. long and 4-6 mm. broad, the cupule hemispherical, with entire margin, rugose, to 8 mm. long and 8-9 mm. broad, subtended by a relatively slender pedicel up to 2 mm. long.