Shrub to 1 m, rarely taller, openly branched, glabrous except flowers. Branchlets usually erect, somewhat angular-striate. Leaves linear-oblong to obcordate, obtuse to slightly retuse, uncinate, flat to deeply concave, often almost amplexicaul, 2-20 mm long; leaves subtending the flowers shorter and usually broader. Pedicel and hypanthium together 1-1.5 mm long. Calyx 0.5 mm long, obtusely 5-lobed. Corolla 4-6 mm long. Stamens 1.5 mm long; staminodes linear, 2.5-3 mm long, bifid, bearded in lower third. Style c. 1.5 mm long. Drupe obovoid-obpyriform, c. 4 mm long, with prominent apical scar; style persistent.
Usually in sand or sandy gravel, sometimes on dunes, occasionally on laterite, in shrubland and open woodland.